I found this wonderful blog tonight and I knew that I had to join her on her creative journey. I am very bad at keeping up with my sketch book, there for my painting have been nil. I have been trying to find my grove, creating my own creative control. But it has been hard, and I never knew where to start, until now!
When I found this blog I was glued to my screen and found myself going from post to post until I reached the end of the page. I grabbed my sketch book and I decided to try something new. I haven’t used watercolours in awhile so I totally forgot that I needed water colour paper, so my painting is all wavy. I am just going to call it an artistic mistake.
I intend on following her blog and learning as much as I can from her. Her tips are amazing! I will need to invest in a watercolour sketch book, and then I’ll be on my way!
Here are some photos!

Not completely done yet! Stay tuned for more pictures and how the rest of the lesson went.

Today will be my 100th blog post. I am so excited to have finally made it to a mile stone in blogging. Yey me!
I thought about what I would post for this post but nothing seemed right. So I decided on this a special day for my blog I would treat it (and you of course) to something nice. I have decided to make Mondays: Movie Monday.

I love movies, I love watching them crying to them, laughing with them, well you get the picture. I am the proud owner of over 355 movies. (I have a list!) You could say I am a collector (that would be the nice word for it) but to tell you the truth I am addicted to movies!  I love all kinds of movies; of course I love romance, drama and true stories. However I also like horror movies, comedy, fiction and fantasy.
I can be very critical of movies, and this is where this post will come in. I watch movies almost every night, I am the one that if I have seen it and you haven’t, you better tape my mouth shut. I love watching good movies over and over and some I could watch every day without ever stopping.

When I was younger, I remember watching Dirty Dancing with my sister for a week straight. My mom rented it and had to take it back just for us to take it out again. We watched it over and over and the only time we had a break when it was rewinding so we could watch it again. Yes I know that makes me sound old, VHS was so awesome. I remember my first movie I ever got, Beauty and the Beast; I think my mother still has it. And my all time favourite movie is Mary Poppins, which I own the collectors addition of.
Anyway, where I am going with this is, I am 100% movie nerd and I am not afraid to admit it. And I am going to start sharing another one of my passions with you, right here on my blog. So I hope you will enjoy it, and maybe you can watch some great movies along with me!

Hope everyone is having a good night! And thank you for sharing this special day with me J


Don’t forget to smile!

79.   blogging
80. crossing something off my bucket list
81. Photoshoots with friends
82. fall leaves
83. the telephone
Outside my window… the moon is shinning
I am thinking… I need to go to bed fast
I am thankful… for the wonderful gift I have been given
One of my favourite things… my daily reading
From the kitchen… dirty dishes are calling for me
I am wearing… pj’s because I am on my way to bed
I am creating… a new life for my self
I am going… to bed
I am wondering… if I will find a church tomorrow
I am reading… One thousand gifts
I am hoping… I get to work on my painting this weekend
I am looking forward to… the hot weather the weather man promised me
I am hearing… the sound of James eating a late supper
Around the house… is dark
I am pondering… why I can fall asleep at my computer and as soon as I get to bed I am a wake…
Plans for the weekend… laundry

Don’t forget to smile!

New – adjective
different, inexperienced, strange, unfamiliar, unique, unknown
Many new things have happened to me the last few days. It has been a week of learning and experiencing and just plain growing.
Find this necklace here

New toy! The Gypsy for my cricut machine and I am trying to learn how to use it. I have been trying to figure it out for a day or so now and getting the updates and stuff but I just haven’t had time to play with it yet.

New days! I have started going back to the gym and man does it feel good. Zumba today and loving it more than ever! I had stopped for while; I was so focused on getting my license that’s all I was doing in my spare time and the gym kind of feel behind. But I am going back to 3 times a week again, and it feels nice. Well my legs would not agree with this statement however but I know my brain does ;)
New meaning! To date night, the other night was date night with me and my loving boyfriend. And everything was going according to plan. I mad supper and cleaned the house. We finished eating supper, Cashew Chicken, and were watching a movie. Half was though the movie the power goes out! So now its 8:30 and there is no power. We could hear the sirens from our apartment and decided to go and check it out. So we hopped in the car, and just a few blocks down there were fire fighters and SASK Power. So we decided to keep driving around, even though it was pouring out. I got some cool pictures.

New makeup and hair products! (was in serious need of restocking) I was in need of new colours to mix it up a bit. I got this one colour it reminds me of a mermaids tail, kind of shinny greeny blue, sooo nice! I also got some new mascara because I needed it bad.
New scratches on my car L Skylar was out last night and got into an accident (He is ok) 3 thousand dollars in damage. But we have to wait and see what the adjuster has to say and go from there. I’ll keep you posted.
New painting! For my craft room. I bought it at a store that I had never been into before and I was walking by and I saw that they were having a closing out sale. Well as soon as I spotted the 70% off sign I was already though the door. As soon as I laid eyes on this painting I knew I HAD to have it. Guess what I paid for it…you will never guess. $5.00 Needless to say I was happy to take it off there hands.

New Teachings! I have been working with another wonderful Friend of mine, Sasha over at Lemonade Makin Mama! She has been teaching me all the things I need for my journey. She has been sort of bible Study though email. And it is wonderful, she spells it out just perfectly so I understand every word.
New music! for my IPod. Francesca Battistelli and Meredith Andrews.
New Bible! From my wonderful friend Becky over at Farm Girl Paints! She sent me a wonderful care package full of fun stuff. The Daily Reading Bible, which includes date on which things to read on which days, great for a first time bible reader like myself. God’s Wisdom for your Life: 1,000 key Scriptures. As well as a lovely card.

Thats what is new in my life how about you?
Tell me whats new with you!

Don’t forget to smile!

68. gifts that mean the world
69. re-inventing date night
70. the word SALE
71. subway for supper
72. my wonderful Zumba instructor
73. the way my body feels after a work out
74. my cats ability to sleep in some of the positions he does
75. quality time
76. teck friends that get you all of the coolest gadgets
77. Noah B’s laugh
78. having a friend that could be your twin

Here is a song to listen to while you read, if you want!

Today is just going to be mostly pictures! I hope you like them
Today I decided to make a new kind of Cupcake. TIE DYE
Step one: get everything you need

Step two: mix it

Step Three: pour in to different bowls and add food colouring to each different bowl, and mix

 Step Four: pour a little of each colour in the bottom of the cups
 Step five: layer each colour over the other colours
Step six: take a tooth pick and swirl it around to mix the colours together. Don't mix to much or colours will blend together

Step Seven: cover with white icing to leave the colours a secret then...


Tonight is also Date night with my honey! We haven't really spent any time with each other this past week. So i made dinner and cleaned the house and were going to have a nice supper and watch a movie! Sounds good to me♥

I also got this new shirt for work, its so nice. I don't really have anything white so i am kind of scared of staining it. Well see how it goes i guess!

Hope everyone had a good day, and have a wonderful night!
Don’t forget to smile!
61. Music that sings to my soul
62. A clean kitchen
63. The smell of fresh brownies
64. the internet that teaches me now things everyday
65. tie dye cup cake
66.  spending time with my honey
67. the way my house smells while I am baking

When I wrote my post yesterday I had a clear vision of what song I was going to show you today, but I changed my mind. I have decided to share this song with you, it’s more simple but I like it. The change of heart came this morning when I woke up with it stuck in my head. I had not listened to it before bed or anything. I must have been sent it in a dream, and I woke up needing to hear it. I sat down at my computer and I just had to hear it. I think that He sent it to me to tell me that my praying is paying off and that I am now His forever love. Hope you enjoy it.

I also stumbled across this video today and I knew I had to share it. I was confused at first what people were writing about until I saw the sign at the end, precious.

In God’s heart I am… loved, beautiful, strong and FREE.
What are You?
In God’s heart what are you…?

Don’t forget to smile!
Do you ever have those days where nothing and I mean nothing goes the way that you have planned? You just want to cry and stomp your feet like you did when you were a child. Well I have had many of those day but I have never until the other day thought to myself why…?
Why I am I acting like a child and having these thoughts… Life is not as bad as you are acting right now. Well I had one of these moments the other day, while I was crying over something that seemed so wrong.
On Thursday I went to take my driver test to get my license and was unable to. I was told some wrong information and found it out to late. She proceeded to tell me that I needed another class before I can take my test. Well that doesn’t seem so bad but I practiced all the night before for the test, so I was just very frustrated. My eyes began to swell up with water and I could hardly talk for fear of crying. My driving instructor was there and stud up for me, however to no avail and I still have to take the class.
                Then a glimmer of hope….She told me that there was one this Saturday and that there was still room if I wanted to join. What good news, however when we reached the car my eyes could no longer hold back the tears as I thought about work. I had to work this Saturday and there was no way I could get it off because my boss already had it booked off and the next class wasn’t until the end of October.
Mad about the situation I was in, I kind of shut off. I was grumpy and not a very good person to be around. I tried to hide it for work but I was told to day by my friend that I wasn’t hiding it that good. I have been working to get my license for a while now and everything keeps going wrong.
So I prayed…prayed for help. Prayed to God to enter into my life and send me the holy spirit to guide me. Help me not be this terrible person. Help me to see past this road block and see the good. I talked to my best friend that night and she calmed me down out of tears. She reminded me that God had a plan and I was not meant to take the test that day because if I was then I would have been able to take it. That maybe there is something in that class that I need to know before.
Then I received an email from my loving daddy…

A strong person knows how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say "I'm ok" with a smile. Send this to a strong person. I just did. God is good. Change is coming. God saw your sadness and said hard times are over.

I sent it to a few people that I think would a appreciate it. I got a astonishing response back, from a wonderful lady that I am lucky to have in my life. She said: Thank you Tamara, this is so thoughtful of you. I don't feel strong, but I am blessed to have lots of people holding me up. Thank you for being one of the people that holds me up. I got a teary eyed reading those words and thanked God for giving me this amazing woman in my life.
Then everything started falling in to place. I got a text mesg from my driving instructor telling me that she will do special classes with me at night so I can get my license sooner! Tears again.
How could I ever think bad things about my life when I have all these wonderful people surrounding me? I was not sure about this journey that I had started to travel on until he showed me the power of love and acceptance this past week. He has a plan for me and I am ready to follow it with all my heart!
The first time I prayed it was weird and I didn’t know what to say. In youth group I would always sing to the songs so loud and that’s how I communicated with Him. So I went to the best blog ever and I checked out her playlist and fell in love with Francesca Battistelli and her amazing voice.
There is this one song that jumped right into my heart and sang to my soul. It’s called I’m letting go and it is what I am going though right now. It feels like I was lead to this song because she wrote it for me.

There is another song on her album that I have listened to about 5 times today, but ill keep you waiting and ill show it to you tomorrow! See you then.

Don’t forget to smile!
57. Finding new music
58. The friends I have in my life and the ones to come
59. unexpected thoughts of kindness
60. Multi grain creamy ranch Pringles

Outside my window… the sun is rising and the wind is blowing

I am thinking… I will try to find my sweater before I leave
I am thankful… the air I breath and the one who gave it to me
One of my favourite things… tea in the morning
From the kitchen… a hot cup of tea is calling my name
I am wearing… Jeans because its Friday and a blue shirt
I am creating… a church painting-that I haven’t worked on in a few days :s
I am going… to work
I am wondering… if I will be able to get tomorrow off for my driver training class
I am reading… One thousand gifts
I am hoping… that I will be able to do this  course and take my road test next week
I am looking forward to… driving
I am hearing… the sound of the bird feeder hitting the window in the wind
Around the house… is a mess
I am pondering… why does God test me so…

Don’t forget to smile!

52. My cat always knowing when something is wrong and comes and cuddles
53. Being taught to draw by my boyfriend
54. My WORKING car
55. Summer
56. Finding out something new and unexpected out about a friend

Nineteen hijackers took control of four commercial airliners.
At 8:46 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 was crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower.
At 9:03 a.m., United Airlines Flight 175 hit the South Tower.
At 9:37 a.m., another group of hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon.
At 10:03 a.m., United Airlines Flight 93, crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
That airline was thought to either targeting the United States Capitol or the White House.
There were a total of 2,996 deaths, including the 19 hijackers and 2,977 victims. The victims included 246 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,606 in New York City in the towers and on the ground, and 125 at the Pentagon. All the deaths in the attacks were civilians, except for 55 military personnel killed at the Pentagon

What do you remember of this day 10 years ago? Where were you when it happened? I was at school when it happened. I remember coming home and watching the videos over and over on the news with my family. I didn’t want to show you photos of that day, because I know it is every hard to see even 10 years later. I want to help people that maybe still are grieving. Today will never be forgotten and neither will the lives of these loved people.
What is Death?Death is nothing at all.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other,
that we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy way
which you always used.
Put no difference in your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed
at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
that it always was.
Let it be spoken without affect,
without the trace of a shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same that it ever was.
There is absolutely unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you,
for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just around the corner.
All is well.~ Henry Scott Holland
Here is a painting that I did for today.  Hope you like it. Lost but never forgotten….

Don’t forget to smile!

47. Having today
48. all the hero’s that helped with 911
49. Warm sunshine on my face
50.  not knowing Gods plan but knowing it will work out
51. All the families and friends of the lost
Sometimes I look at a blank canvas and I see a picture, sometimes I can stare at a blank canvas for hours and see nothing. Well lately I have been inspired to go out of my comfort zone and try something new and different from what I am used to. I am currently working on a painting for the 10 year anniversary on 911. And I really don’t like using the word anniversary in that sentence because that word to me is happy, but that’s what it is. (More on that subject tomorrow)
Today was kind of unconventional in finding inspiration and I am so glad. I am “trying” a new idea. Using my photography as a Muse (I might say). We were on our way to Skylar’s dad’s farm and every time we drive by there is this little church. I must have a million pictures of it, it is so cute and I just love the way it looks. Well on the way out there today I looked at the  Church and I told Skylar to pull over I needed to take a picture. I do this all the time so it was not out of the ordinary for him. The lighting was perfect on the Church and I feel in love.
I had planned on painting out there today, it being so beautiful and warm. So I had brought all of my paint and everything I needed, including a new blank canvas. I am not very good at drawing so I normally stay away from painting real things. I once painted a barn and it was very bad, Skylar had to draw and try and fix it. I had drawn the ground to the edge of the barn so when it was done it was a floating barn. So I had to paint in hay bales to cover up the mistake.
This time however I had Skylar there with me and he was helping me with the drawing. He says I need to learn, and he is a very good teacher. He never once criticized me or grabbed the pencil to fix a mistake. So I 100% drew this on my own, with Skylar’s tips along the way.
Here are some pictures of how is coming along so far..Hope you enjoy!

I didnt have room for the Top of the Church which is my fav part but it kind of makes it my own now...
Don’t forget to smile!