thoughts and things of the day...

Went to work...
got lots of work done, but it was boring.

Died my hair...
with the help of my honey...Hate it...
It died my roots mostly, made then look yellow/orange-ish and all the other hair looks the same...Note to self

Had a shower....
The number one reason i hate using new razors, they chew up your legs. This always happens to me the first time i use a new one.

Got a new Toy...
from my wonderful friend Tara. I love the Nightmare Before Christmas cant you tell!!

Got my monthly gift...
and I am totally PMSing and craving pickles, ice tea, and Salt & Vinegar GoldFish

Got a new Movie...
I love both of these movies and when my honey found them both on blue ray, i had to have them. Which i thought was very weird that i love them so much and didn't own them..

Well Thats all Folks...
I hope everyone had a good day! 

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