I was going through my photos and organizing some of them…and I knew that I just had to share some of them with you…

However, I was reading one of my favorite blogs tonight {LMM} and I found this post I totally fell in love with it.

It’s about all the things that make ME, or anyone else who blogs, a blogger. So I thought that I would share my photos with you as I write out my list. The photos probably won’t make sense with what lam saying, but hope you enjoy them all the same.

You know you’re a blogger when…

You always ask yourself “will this make a good blog post?” before you do anything.

You know you’re a blogger when…

You talk about your “internet friends” to your boyfriend more than your real friends.

You know you’re a blogger when…

As soon as you get home you log on to blogger and check if you have comments.

You know you’re a blogger when…

You feel bad about missing a day.

You know you’re a blogger when…

You have photo folders filled with random photos that, you may or may not have, taken just because you thought one of your followers would like it.

You know you’re a blogger when…

You feel the need to take Photos of everything you eat.

You know you’re a blogger when…

You would never dream of stopping.

Don’t forget to smile!


  1. Awww GOOD list sweet pea! Love that. And all so true too!

  2. Ha! This is all so very true, Tamara! You nailed it!


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