is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
Dr. Martine Luther king JR

So the list begins! A list of Gifts, little things that you might miss on a day to day basis but would miss if they were gone. Gifts that God has given us, I need to remember the small things and rejoice in the many pleasures of this world. I am hoping that it will help me look past all the troubles of this world and see the good. I cannot how ever take all the credit for this wonderful idea it was Becky’s idea. Without her blog I would undoubtedly lose my way. She is doing a list as well, join us and remind yourself to see the little things in life.

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
1.       The smell of rain
2.       The feel of sand between your toes as water rushes towards you
3.       Finding lost treasures when going through old boxes
4.       The feeling of laundry fresh out of the dryer
5.       An ice cold glass of water with a lemon wedge on a hot day
6.       The love in a hug from an old friend
7.       The tears on your mothers face when you surprise her
8.       First snow fall
9.       A good Quote
10.   The smell of paint as it squeezes out of the tube


Don’t forget to smile!

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