Have you ever been so excited about something that you get over whelmed by it? That is me when it comes to blogging. So many ideas run through my mind at once, it’s hard to write them all done.

I read blogs and I see and think, Oh my blog should look like this it should look like this. Did that happen to you when you first started blogging?
Then you try so hard to be like them you lose you, so you take a break and hope you come back to it. But every time you think about it, which is every moment of the day, you think it’s been to long I can’t start now.

I have always run in to this problem with my journals, you write and write then you stop for a while and when you pick it up again you feel that need to apologize that it has been so long since you have written. I know I do that…EVERY TIME! You think that you are going to make that first blog post and you’re going to log on the next day and have too many comments to even read. I know I did. Well why not all the blogs you read have hundreds of comments. And the more you post and see no comments you get discourages because you think your just talking to a brick wall.

Then you take another break and if you can get the nerve to get back blogging it is really hard to start from scratch again believe me.
I think that everyone gets like that; it’s a never ending vicious circle.
So this is where my circle ends here and now. I am going to blog my little heart out and I don’t care if anyone hears or is listening I am doing this blog for me.
To day is the day, this is the year!

And on I go with my challenge to try and blog everyday! Are you ready for this new blog and blogger!!
Happy 2011 Everyone

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